Friday, March 20, 2009

Confidentiality At Work Quotes

Mystery Book ...

"The reluctantly got up looked absolutely not looking for anyone, not to provoke unnecessary talk to anyone and fished with such icy Mojito. Unfortunately, returning to the chair brushed the frantically squirming on the floor," visitor ". His name was probably Adrian. It was his presented centuries ago as a "designer modern interiors." Now, bent on all sides carried the inexorable rhythm of the disgusting treatment of Nina Simone, mixed with testosterone and glances around pogujących, slightly longer podśmiardywujących women. Ramses it seemed that Adrian is a worm. Not metaphorically. Literally. Looking at him, for a long while could not get rid of the image wyłażącego of apples, white, blind worm. Improved focus, zoom and turned up the saw black spots on his abdomen. Italian around the rostrum standing on end. On the legs saw the black patent leather with przedłużanymi pobłyskujące points. Skadrował little bit more in the second corner of the room and saw zdychającą fly. She lay on the wings of the pace wywróconymi, red eyes. Helplessly, but dressed legs furiously, pointless and without any effect. Her name was Dorothy, and was probably presented to him as the owner of "top notch showroom." Disgustingly pretentious sunglasses with thick, varnished rimmed imparted its ugliness, a pinch of exoticism. Why not fly the African? The legs work more slowly which must have been inextricably linked with cichnącymi, the last bars from the song. Died. He stood up and gently pushing the creeping filth came out on the balcony. "

To be continued ...?


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